Peterborough, ON

April 13, 2018

A formal announcement on Friday, April 13th outlined how Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services (in partnership) redeveloped a former Peterborough fire hall to provide 11 units of affordable housing for Indigenous residents.


“OAHS developed a creative housing solution to provide accessible and culturally-appropriate housing options for Indigenous people living in Peterborough. OAHS is proud to partner with the provincial and the federal governments as well as the City of Peterborough in the development of new Indigenous housing opportunities.” – Sylvia Maracle, Chair of OAHS’ Board of Directors – Newswire

“For every family that we’re making a difference for, we’re making a difference for all of our people.” – Dawn Lavell-Harvard, Vice-Chair of OAHS’ Board of Directors – Global News

“It’s a beautiful place…I really appreciate my home.” – Marlene Young, resident at 721 Monaghan Road. – The Peterborough Examiner

Please read more about this exciting announcement below.

Global News

Ontario Newsroom

The Peterborough Examiner

