Indigenous Supportive Housing Program (ISHP) Capital Funding 2024-2025

ISHP is designed to address homelessness within the Indigenous community, which is one of four Provincial homelessness priority areas. Reducing and preventing homelessness within the Indigenous community will also support the Province’s three additional priority areas (i.e. chronic homelessness, youth homelessness, and homelessness following transitions from provincially-funded institutions), as there is an over-representation of the Indigenous community within these homelessness areas.

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) issued by Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services (OAHS) is to provide Service Providers with an opportunity to be selected as a recipient of the Capital component of the Indigenous Supportive Housing Program (ISHP) funding in 2024-2025 by:

  • Defining their supportive housing needs;
  • Informing OAHS about their ability and capacity to deliver support services for the capital development;
  • Identifying potential community partners;
  • Showing confirmation that their organization has the capacity to develop supportive housing.

ISHP Capital Funding of up to $10,593,831.69 plus 5% administration funding will be available to Service Providers after April 1, 2024, and will support the development of long-term supportive or transitional housing units through milestone payments. Service Providers must be able to sign a Partnership Agreement and show proof of registration of mortgage security or an alternate form of security no later than November 30, 2024.

Service Providers are asked to read the RFP carefully and are invited to submit a proposal. ISHP Operating Funding is not available in this RFP. Service Providers must be able to demonstrate that units will remain long-term supportive or transitional for a minimum of 10 years and affordable for a minimum of 20 years.

Please view the proposal document for all eligibility criteria and follow all instructions.

The deadline to submit a proposal for this RFP is Monday, July 29, 2024 at 2:00 PM EST. Submissions received after this time will not be considered. Please ensure all supporting documents are submitted with your RFP template.

Please send your submissions to with the subject line: “Indigenous Supportive Housing Program” RFP.

If you have any questions, please email